Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Did It!

Well, here it goes.... I decided that starting a "blog" is probably the best way for me to keep track of all the memories that will be made. I always have the best intentions to journal, send letters and emails, but somehow I never follow through. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs. I just hope mine will be half as interesting! (If I can figure out how to do it!)

So we've been in Clifton Park a week today. It took us three days to drive up - I'm sure we could've made it in two, but with Kate and two dogs (Bentley and Zambi) we decided we'd like to keep our sanity. Lori was a sport and endured the 2,000 mile journey with us, as did Dusty's best friend Robert - aka DeOtte.
Here are a couple of pictures from the trip:
It has snowed (gasp!) at least 3 days since we've been here - about 4-6 inches two nights ago. Kate is absolutely THRILLED. For the first 3 days every time she would look out the window or we'd walk outside, she'd exclaim "Look!! There's SNOW!!!!" We assured her it isn't going anywhere for a while. We found a plastic "sled" at Target and she and Dusty have made the piles of snow pushed up to clear the roads their sledding ground. It's pretty cute.
This is Rosie. La La and Kate made her the second day we were here. She is now under about 4" of snow. =)
Dusty has started "class" and Kate and I are trying to figure out what we're supposed to do. We found a playground Tuesday at one of the malls where she made a friend and we're going to take Bentley to Pet Co. tomorrow. Exciting days! I'm going to apply for a few jobs this week. I love being at home, but I'm ready to use my degree that I worked so hard (and owe a lot of money) for.
Thanks for reading my first blog! Hopefully I will update on a regular basis and they won't all be this long. =) We love and miss everyone and can't wait for you all to come visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie, Dusty & Kate: I truly like your blog and it helps to know how you all are doing. I have thought of you a great deal and am glad to hear you are doing okay. Hope that soon you will be more than just okay. Sounds like you have made some really big adjustments. I love the pictures. I can't imagine what it is like to have all that snow after living on the Gulf Coast for so many years. I am sure your parents miss you a great deal. They will like visiting you up there and Kate will have great stories to tell. Well, I need to go so take care and keep us posted. Love Mom Lamb
